Munkyworld 2002
Rites of Passage


Home Sweet Home
Oh My Romeo
Rites of Passage
Valentines of Mine
Special Dedication
Jerks of Jerk Hut
Funky Sites

My Many Important Events

A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes -- Disney's Cinderella

Did You Know.......
  • My first ever car that I bought with my OWN ka-ching ka-ching (that means money) is an '86 Buick Sommerset with 59k mileage for $2000? My beloved named her Scarlett because her interior is bright red... (what?? I can't hear her name because the color is too loud). It was cool because the front emblem has the letter S (for Sommerset)
  • 123 is the date when I bought the car. January 2, 2003. It is also the date when Marc and I exchanged Christmas presents. I got him a Tommy Hill shirt and gave him a picture frame. He got me a drawing set (pencil and the drawing book), scented gel pens, a bookpack, and.... a heating pad!!! (I need it very much because I'm cold-blooded)
  • 123 was also the date when I had my first lobster!!
  • I go to sleep with a dictionary next to my pillow because I always talk on the phone with Marc and he would always uses some words that I cannot comprehend. English ain't my native language, y'know... gimme a break, man!
  • My biggest phone bill cost me $320. I talked for over 5000 minutes in one month. Reason... spent 1.5 hours a night talking with Marc. It's weird... I know your question already... "what are y'all talking about?" Well, we talked about tons of different stuff... work, home, feeling, anger, exes, shoes, mall, and tons of stuff.
  • John asked me to marry him a couple of times, but he never did marry me? We ended up having different direction in love life. Who knows, we might again be together one day.
  • Too much salt is bad for you...

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This page is for my important dates and events. So if today's is one of those dates, please feel free to write me an e-mail and send me a gift!! Here is my e-mail You are also welcome to send me some cash... or diamond...