These names are the one who were involved with me or just "chilled" with me:
Jorge Carabello (too old and probably wants more than that)
Matt Guinn (eminem wannabe... a druggist... tried to give me dope)
George D'angelo (caught in boys' room with me smokin' and got kicked out from school. Then he told me he liked me)
David Wright (same as above, only he was my crush)
Jason Elsea (just an interest for us both. There wasn't anything special)
Chris Connell (same as above)
Alexis Diaz (a damn horny boy who couldn't get his hands off of girls)
Jonathon Rodriguez (a cutie Rican... ~sigh~)
John Lyle (weird but nice boyfriend... gave me rings that doesn't fit... too big for my fingers... a necklace without the original case... hmm... were those gifts meant for someone else?)
Charlie Hebb (another one of those interest at Wendy's)
Craig (same as above)
Anthony Diaz (~sigh~ something about that boy that I can't resist. He gave me a necklace for Valentine and we broke up two weeks later, then three months later, we went back again... then we broke up)
Brian Coultor (a ghetto white boy wannabe)
James Clark (a ghetto Phillipino wannabe... cheap, which makes that a total turnoff for me)
Justin Pellegrino (a customer from Wendy's who ended up kissing me at his place)
Marc Copeland :D